2020 is not only a new year but it’s also the start of the new decade, and Salesforce is welcoming it in their way. For the Spring ‘20 release, the preview instances were upgraded on the 3rd and 4th of January with non-preview instances upgraded on the 14th and 15th of February 2020.
Purus looks through the Salesforce release notes to find the most awesome features for admins and developers.
Empty The Recycle Bin Easily
You can now empty the recycle bin of your Salesforce org with one click in Lightning Experience. Previous builds would only let you delete single items or forced you to switch to Salesforce Classic to delete all items at once.
Salesforce Lightning Extension for Chrome
If you’re someone who enjoys being an early adopter of the latest updates, then this new Chrome extension is for you. With the Lightning Extension now available, you can now gain access to the latest features before anyone else.
Once you’ve installed the extension, you can try features such as Dark Mode and Link Grabber.
Admins can decide what features users can have access to in Setup.
Clone Objects With Related Records
The new Clone with Related action makes it easy to handle a variety of repeating processes. Once you select Clone with Related, all the first object’s can also be added to the clone object.
Navigate to a Record’s Create Page with Default Field Values
You can now use the new lightning/pageReferenceUtils module or lightning:pageReferenceUtils Aura component to construct navigation links in your components. These navigation links pre-populate a record’s create page with default field values. By having pre-populated values you can accelerate your data entry, improve consistency, and make creating records easier.
Assign Tasks to Shared Queues
Yes, you can finally assign tasks to shared queues! When a sales rep assigns tasks to a queue, those tasks become available to all members of the queue, meaning the rest of the team can offer support. For teams, this is great as you don’t have to rely on one sales rep to do everything. Now everyone else can help out without waiting for work to be delegated or reassigned.
Go to Setup and enter Queues in the Quick Find box and select Queues. From this setup page, click New. Now create a queue and assign tasks to it.
Edit Case Details in List View With Case Hover
In Lightning Experience, agents can now save time previewing and modifying cases by doing this directly from the list view. When you hover over a record, a compact preview appears which you can now use to edit and delete cases.
Maximum Daily Cap for API Calls Axed
Many developers will be celebrating as Salesforce has finally removed the daily cap of 1,000,000 API requests. Now developers can make more API calls without going over your daily allocation.
Specify Profiles In Prompts Creation
Prompt messages for a specific audience, what objects and data the prompts have access to, or what they can do. Before, permissions could only display prompts to specific users. For Spring ‘20, you can use standard and custom profiles.
This can be done from Setup in Lightning Experience, enter In-App Guidance in the Quick Find Box and select In-App guidance.
Manage Configuration Converter Tabs From One Place (Beta)
The new Home tab is the main base for the transition tool. Each tile summarises the status of each section in the Lightning Experience Configuration Converter. You can start scans of individual tabs to find out what is left to do.
This will help you track progress easily, reduce the number of necessary fixes and change a tab’s status icon to green on completion.
Note: Configuration Converter is a standalone tool outside of Salesforce. You should test this feature in sandbox or Developer Edition before migrating it into your full production org.
Attach Formatted Spreadsheets to Report Subscriptions (Beta)
This beta feature allows users the choice to receive report results as a formatted spreadsheet in their subscription email. The email includes high-level details including report name and time run, plus a link to the full report in Salesforce. It doesn’t include row-level record details which you’ll find in the spreadsheet itself.
Schedule Appointments To Take Place One After Another
When you want service appointments to happen back-to-back, you can create an Immediately Followed By dependency between them.
To set this up, enable the complex work setting and customise the service appointment page layout to display scheduling dependencies. Next, on the appointment page, specify related appointments and select dependency type. To use Immediately Followed By dependencies, scheduling then assigns the appointments back-to-back on the same day and same resource. The Enhanced Optimisation respects Immediately Followed By dependencies.
Einstein Reply Recommendations (Beta)
The newest update brings Einstein Reply Recommendations. This analyses data from previous chat transcripts to generate chat replies that address your customer’s inquiries. Agents can now pick the most relevant chat reply from a list in Lightning Service Console when they communicate with customers.
If you need support with implementing the new update and adding any standalone tools, get in touch with Purus who support businesses with their org. Find the best Salesforce service for your business.