No, we’re not talking about food. But just FYI fish and chips are a Purus favourite!
Spring is right around the corner. Can we get a cheer for lighter nights and sunnier mornings? For Salesforce users, Spring also means a new update is on the way. As many of you will know, Salesforce releases updates for its products 3 times a year, and the next big update is coming soon. If you’re new to Salesforce, the updates improve processes and introduce new features that have been requested by users. Before you know it, you’ll be looking forward to the updates and marking them in your calendar – Salesforce veterans will know what we’re talking about.
Today, we will be talking about the top 5 updates from the Spring 2021 release. Here’s our short and sweet analysis of the five most noteworthy updates and what you can expect from the new features that come along with it. We’ve included the direct links to the Salesforce information, (we’re nice like that). Simply click through to read more detailed notes if you’d like to.
As the pandemic forces us to continue to meet virtually, Salesforce Meetings will allow reps to plan customer meetings seamlessly. The Meeting Digest screen provides a clear picture of attendees, tasks, and insights so you’re always on top of your engagements. You’ll also be able to share content and collaborate easily with the Meeting Studio feature.
Salesforce Admins rejoice! This has been a hugely requested feature and we know there will be many users who will be thrilled with this new addition to the system. There will now be a ‘sharing’ button in Salesforce Lighting, so you can share a record easily with just a few clicks.
This is another handy tool that has been a long time coming, and many users will be pleased to know that the Spring update introduces the means to track information more effectively. Your sales team will have increased flexibility and will be able to track information accurately on opportunity product records.
The Spring update will only enhance the Flow features’ popularity with the introduction of Process Builder. You will also be able to plan time-based flow actions, access prior values of records, and add scheduled paths on record-triggered flows. Flow management will be easier as you can now delete a flow version that was installed from a first-generation managed package, without uninstalling the package.
The Guidance Centre has been designed to make learning more accessible for Salesforce users. You will get Trailhead modules recommended to you based on your role and Admins can create learning paths direct from the App.
If you need any support with the Spring update or would like to understand how to get the most out of the new features, get in touch with our expert team today.