Well Christian Healing Introduction

Salesforce was a new system to The Well and the initial implementation needed to be scoped and then built. This needed to take into account various processes for managing existing donors and their households, managing a range of services and events they provide, a regular data import from other systems and migration of data from their legacy system. This was difficult to extract, with data from the same objects spread over multiple files. It required a high level of manipulation to prepare for import.

MailChimp was already being used as a standalone tool and this needed to be integrated into Salesforce.

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The Solution

The Campaign object was re-purposed to manage the meeting rooms schedule, and the Campaign members were the meeting attendees, making use of the prebuilt functionality in Salesforce

The MailChimp app from the AppExchange was installed and configured to track mail opens against Contacts. Additional training on best practice and a written guide were provided.

The Results

The legacy system was retired, and the team were able to work a lot quicker with greater transparency. Donation metrics were easier and clearer to report on. Both end-user and basic admin training were provided so the team could self-service on a day to day basis.